
In the past, performance management was carried out through the appraisal exercises which centered on statistical results of what the employee has achieved in the organization.

This course introduces a revolutionary approach to performance management. It is a significant shift of emphasis from what has been achieved in terms of numbers to how it has been achieved through the employee behaviors and competencies demonstrated. This competency-based performance management system is aligned with continuous appraisal, coaching and feedback that will help the employees to understand the nature and quality of their performance, where they need to improve and motivate them to do it.

Linking employee development to competency-based performance management ensures that knowledge transfer; succession planning and employee training needs are met as part of the daily operations – paving the way to build a healthier, more productive workforce which attracts and retains qualified talents.

The Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course, learners will be able to:

  • Develop a performance management program
  • Facilitate the implementation of performance management program
  • Evaluate effectiveness of performance management program
  • Promote understanding and awareness of performance management Program
  • Provide support to conduct performance management reviews
  • Monitor and review performance management program and activities
  • What are other logistics required for conducting a competency-based interview?
  • Conducting a Competency-Based interview
  • Documenting, consolidating and evaluating evidence to make hiring decision

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